
Juventus can win the Champions League - Kwadwo Asamoah

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  • John 8 years ago

    Can somebody tell this guy that he needs to lift up his game if he wants to accomplish more.The Italian league of today is not the same as of yesteryears.The standard has fallen.

  • Saint Ghfuo: Mediocrity Stinks Cuuuhh 8 years ago

    With pogba leaving who u got replacing him? Ur strikers are still not discipline and lack clinical finishing especially against top tier euro teams. So until ur manager solves those issues kiss champs lg goodbye. We saw how s ...
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  • Sarah Anning 8 years ago

    kwadwo am with u in prayers ok so far us we aa from de same country hmmm God is with us

  • ??? 8 years ago


  • SUMAILA AWAL 8 years ago

    I second Asamoah's that Juventus can win the champions league.

  • ??? 8 years ago

    personally,BIG NO

  • Sam 8 years ago

    Where in the article did Kwadwo Asamoah say that Juve will win the champions' league?...and people are already bashing him. It pays to verify if the person has actually made such a claim. Dont comment based on the deceptive t ...
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