
Ntow Fiankoo urges clubs to kick against “bogus” 20-team league

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  • Ra's oko 7 years ago

    What did you say about your suggestion that people reject the 20 team league? I think some people like lawyer Ntow are the problem causers in Ghana football. Bad influence!!!

  • marie stopes 7 years ago

    12 clubs for the elite premiership, and 12 clubs for national division 1 (to be called National Premier 1). then 10 clubs each for 3 zones (to be called zonal division 1). Promotion/Demotion between 'premiership', 'National p ...
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  • KOFI MUMUI 7 years ago

    "Highlighting some laws to support his argument", the writer rather went on to present Ntow's opinions on a 20 team league. Opinions are not facts and I would have loved if the laws are presented as Ntow is alleged to highlig ...
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