
Schlupp, Amartey to pocket £100,000 each for Champions League

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  • Chuks, Tudu/Nima 7 years ago

    Ghanaian are always interested in what's in somebody's pocket. Is it witchcraft or lunacy?

  • James Owusu 7 years ago

    It's none. This is an open secret. No diabolical intentions. ;Nothing fussy about the qualifiction & the associated amount. For a come from bottom to the top team like Leicester, it is an amazing achievement. Bravo, BOYS DO ...
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  • Abeiku SW2 London 7 years ago

    What has it got to do with you .. they work for it ... just ease off ..

  • AfRO 7 years ago

    Ghanafuo kasa !! Why?? This story is concocted.

    There is nothing in the UK press including club website to say what bonus the players are getting

  • Tsifokor Joshua 7 years ago

    stupid ppl always interested in wat enters ppl pockets. gh web poor journalists. up ur professionalism

  • Larry Finch 7 years ago

    Get it Now! (eBook version sales discontinued due to foiled piracy attempts)

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  • Alex zz 7 years ago

    Call me I will help you keep your boots shinny clean.