
Ayew earns Swansea City manager's praise

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  • Tekpetey Tawiah 7 years ago

    Hail him for what how many goals does he scored for the coach to hail him.

  • KJ 7 years ago

    Goals are missing and this is acknowledged by manager in article, but Jordan has been instrumental in Swansea's buildup play as of late. He provided some good trickery holdup play and a cross to Llorente for Swansea's only a ...
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  • Onua 7 years ago

    massa brits dont praise scorers let alone fakes. They know what it does to the team so stop the fake news

  • Jimmy 7 years ago

    It seems every Ayew is Ayew. The picture above is Jordan and not Andre.

  • KJ 7 years ago

    Andre left Swansea for West Ham in the summer window. Jordan left Aston Villa in the Championship for Swansea in the January window.

  • Onua 7 years ago

    Jordan should let your game game speak not fake news.

    So so media hype for these abed boys but the are nothing extra o

  • SOTTIE AGENT ENOCK@ADA 7 years ago

    sottie Agent Enock and all ghanaian funs has freely,heartly doneted J.Ayew to swansea city.see you no more

  • ben 7 years ago

    Pls the story is taking about the picture is correct

  • Asafo Kwame Sowah 7 years ago

    Only fools think scoring à goal each match makes à good player. Football is à team game, so positioning on the pitch to divert opponents together with assists are essential parts in a game. Fools see only see goal scorers. ...
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  • Paul 7 years ago

    Guys we are here to make comments not insulting each other, respect each other as mature people. Football is not only soccer goals but help the team to win matches

  • Tmens Nyc 7 years ago

    Jordan has been phenomenal in these last games for Swansea.He's a delightf to watch and has great confidence moving forward with the ball and it's a matter of time before he explodes and unleashes his full potential.Anyone wh ...
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