
NITA, data developers to sign MOU


Tue, 7 Jan 2014 Source: GNA

The National IT Agency (NITA) is to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Ghana Library Authority (GLA) and three local developers to help promote open data in the country. The MOU would be formally signed on Thursday, January 9.

The local developers are; Centre for Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Service (CERSGIS) which is an authority in developing user-friendly geographic information systems applications using spatial data for developing user friendly application.

Odekro portal which seeks to empower communities and marginalised populations to promote transparency, accountability and democratic governance through citizens action and engagement with relevant government agencies.

Cell Afrique, an application service provider which offers versatile, interactive mobile technology, web and software solutions to the expanding mobile phone users across the globe.

NITA, in a statement copied to the Ghana News Agency in Accra on Monday, explained that collaboration with the service providers will help promote Ghana's Open Data Initiative (GODI) which is run by NITA to help citizens to understand and use data provided on the portal.

GODI is an initiative being ran by NITA, the IT implementing arm of the Ministry of Communication. The statement said GODI had created an information storehouse accessible by citizens and businesses, releasing valuable raw data from real-time education to census data.

"This has helped Information to become easily accessible at the click of a mouse, and citizens now have the opportunity to scrutinize local crime statistics, hospital infection rates, school results and economic outcomes," the statement said.

Source: GNA