
“EC’s public forum is an exercise in futility”- Anane-Gyinde

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Tue, 27 Oct 2015 Source: NPP-Germany

Mr Kwaku Anane-Gyinde, National Organiser of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in Germany has described the decision by the Electoral Commission to hold a public forum on the need for a new electoral register as a deliberate attempt to divert attention and delay the compilation of a new voters’ register.

Speaking on ‘Power FM’ based in Paris, Mr Anane-Gyinde noted that the conduct of the EC in respect of the calls for a new and credible voters’ register should leave on one in doubt that the commission is not acting in good faith and not willing to listen to what the overwhelming number of Ghanaians are saying.

He argued that in view of the short notice given, the duration of the forum and the fact it will only take place in Accra gives an indication that the decision to hold the event was not properly thought through adding “ the decision to hold the forum is just a panic reaction by an institution that has seen a dramatic erosion in its credibility’ The NPP activist pointed out that if indeed the intention is to sample public opinin, then the proper mechanism should have been a referendum not a two- day forum that has been hurriedly put together just to appease the ruling NDC- a party that has so far failed to advance any tangible and convincing arguments against the compilation of a new register. Mr Anane-Gyinde accused the EC of intentionally refusing to confront and respond to the irrefutable evidence presented by the NPP but rather find it more convenient to ask for the submission of petitions by all interested parties at the end of September and now a public forum to receive petitions from the general public. “What is the difference between the petitions submitted in September and those yet to be submitted on 29 and 30 October?” he asked

He insisted that even the composition of the panel raises questions about the intentions of the EC and said the inclusion of Professor VCRAC Crabbe who has publicly made his position known on the issue and Dr Nii Narko Quaynor- a card bearing member of the ruling NDC is unacceptable. He therefore called for the replacement of the two gentlemen so as to ensure public trust and confidence in the panel and the entire exercise Mr Anane-Gyinde noted that failure to replace His Lordship Professor V.C.R.A.C Crabbe and Dr Nii Narku Quaynor would only give credence to the long-held perception that the EC is in collusion with the NDC to deny the people of Ghana the right to a credible voters’ register.

Asked whether his party should participate in the exercise, Mr Anane-Gyinde said with the present composition of the panel, the time would be better spent doing some voluntary work in the community because the forum, he insists is an exercise in futility.

The Communication Team NPP-Germany

Source: NPP-Germany
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