
I’m glad I stood my grounds, it paid off - Otiko Djaba

Otiko Djaba2 Otiko Afisa Djaba, Minister-designate of Gender, Children and Social Protection

Wed, 8 Feb 2017 Source:

Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection, Otiko Afisa Djaba says her firm principles to stand by her words have paid off in her ministerial appointment.

Otiko Djaba also says she appreciates the love and support shown her by Ghanaians in the controversy that embroiled her parliamentary approval.

According to the Minister, she is happy she stood her grounds.

“I am very grateful to the good people of this country, they’ve made me understand that if you are fair and firm and stand your grounds it pays off. I am 55 years, and if I don’t learn to speak the truth now, at what point in life will I be honest in my ways,” she asked.

The minority in parliament abstained from a vote to approve Otiko Tuesday after she failed to apologise for her attacks on former President John Mahama.

“Life without challenges is no life. I thank God they have approved my appointment, “ she added.

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