Dear GhanaWeb: Can GH¢10,000 be used to organize a wedding?

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  • hi 6 months ago

    I think it is enough ooooo. plan a low key marriage, just small chops for the represhment.
    Get your dresses, rings, small decoration if necessary. let friends and love ones step in to do what they can do to help. But for me ...
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  • Francis 6 months ago

    I think you have to cut your coat according to your material. That amount is more than enough. I hope you want to be married. If you want to show off to please people, then you have to wait until your man is financially cap ...
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  • KofSam 6 months ago

    Is wedding a must have thing in Ghana ?
    People see wedding as fashion these days without knowing what is really involved in these ceremonies.
    One should not plan any wedding if one is not financially prepared for it . It n ...
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  • coop city 6 months ago

    Do you really have to do wedding? Our grand parents married for long time; all by traditional and today we are coping the West. Competition SMH! You are lucky he has that money, u better cut down your anticipation. t

  • Ex-Pope 6 months ago

    GH¢10,000? That's too much money to spend on a wedding. You shouldn't need more than GH¢20.00. Yes, twenty cedis can get you a first class wedding and leave many smiles on your face.

  • Nana K 6 months ago

    What is the significance of wedding? It’s basically a western traditional way of marriage.just as Chinese, Indians, and others have diverse cultural arrangements for marriage, so as we Africans and Ghanaians. It’s about t ...
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  • Kwame 6 months ago

    Please, the outside world does not even do it the way we do it.

  • Ebena 6 months ago

    Sister, Sister, Sister I think you prefer year's then the marriage kindly do simple weeding my dear

  • LOVE 6 months ago

    My dear, the money is enough. The most important thing is the customary marriage. Then please proceed to the registry. 12 years is a long time to date a man. Please co-operate with your man.

  • Kaba 6 months ago

    The marriage itself will start to crumble the moment it starts after the wedding. You want your man to spend all the ghc10,000 he has on your wedding. How do you continue with life in a good environment after the wedding?

  • Kwame Nyame 6 months ago

    You are first of all a very cheap lady to have begged a man seven years before a proposal to marry you after THIRTEEN YEARS in a relationship. Go for a very low key ceremony because you are not fresh green after thirteen year ...
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  • Henry 6 months ago

    Just go to the court and get married, do u want to be married or u love to have a wedding the answer is in your hands, actually if u have been with him for 12yrs u are married anyway (community marriage) so why not use the 10 ...
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  • Killer 6 months ago

    Kwasea baaa

  • Bartholomew 6 months ago

    I think waiting for 12 more years to have the wedding is a better idea for you since you are marrying to wow the world.

    She who knows the pride of money but has nothing.