
Deputy Energy Minister commissions Marine Gas Oil (MGO) Tank facility in Takoradi

Official Commissioning Dr. Amin Anta commissions a 13.5 million litre Marine Gas Oil Tank facility in Takoradi

Mon, 10 Apr 2017 Source:

Deputy Energy Minister, Hon. Dr. Mohammed Amin Anta, has commissioned a 13.5 million litre Marine Gas Oil (MGO) Tank facility in Takoradi.

The facility which is owned by the Ghana Oil Company Limited (GOIL) is meant for storing and dispatching of Marine Gas Oil (MGO) at the Takoradi Port to service vessels in upstream operations.

The construction of this modern fully automated MGO storage and distribution facility is in line with GOIL’s medium term policy objective which is to position the company as a leading Oil Marketing Company (OMC) in service delivery to upstream companies in a secure and safe manner.

Speaking at the ceremony, Hon Amin Antaindicated that the project signifies a great leap forward for additional storage capacity which will improve the bunkering industry in Ghana.“This will no doubt, contribute to the redirection of ships and vessels to Takoradi Harbour for fuelling, and will make Ghana a destination of choice for vessels in the region” he said.

The Deputy Energy Minister congratulated GOIL for taking a lead in the Bunkering Sector and added that Government on its part will support initiatives which promote local content in the Oil and Gas sector. He further urged management to ensure the highest level of maintenance culture, in order to derive the maximum benefit from the facility.

Dr. Anta also congratulated the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GHPA) for their contribution and effectively collaborating with Murray and Roberts of South Africa to complete the project on schedule and on budget.

The Board Chairman of GOIL, Professor William Asumani in his address disclosed that, the Fifteen Million Dollar (USD15m) facility was solely funded by GOIL from its internal generated funds.

In general, the facility will ensure adequate supply of Marine Gas Oil to the increasing number of vessels expected to dock at the harbour hence large fleet of vessels arriving and transiting the harbor will have a ready and available Marine Gas Oil.

Other dignitaries present were Hon. Owuraku Aidoo, Deputy Energy Minister, Hon. Joseph Cudjoe, Deputy Energy Minister, GOIL’s Board of Directors and Management, Western Regional Minister, Chief Executive Officer of National Petroleum Authority (NPA), Mr. Alhassan Tampuli, Paramount Chief of Essikado Traditional Area and representatives from the Security Agencies.

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