



GhanaWeb TV




Misc Jokes

Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May . . .

There was a young woman who lived with her
grandmother. One night the granddaughter came bouncing down
the stairs dressed to go out to a
party wearing a see through blouse without a bra. Her
grandmother told her to go back upstairs and dress decent.
The young woman said, "No, I want to show off my rosebuds"
and went out the door.

The next day the granddaughter came outside to find her
grandmother on the porch wearing the see through blouse
without a bra.

"Grandmother!! What are you doing? My boyfriend and a
couple of other friends are coming over any time now." She
cried, "Please go change your blouse; I'm so embarrassed!!!"

The older woman replied, "Well if you can show off
your rosebuds than I can show off my hanging baskets."

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