Misc Jokes

Two Trees

Two old trees lived side by side in the forest. One was a
Birch tree and the other was a Beech. These guys had lived
together for many years and had many discussions and
arguments. One spring they looked down on the forest floor
and noticed a young sapling growing down there by their feet.
They argued for weeks about whether it was a son of a birch
or a son of a beech. Finally, one day, a woodpecker landed
on the birch tree's branch and they talked him into flying
down and checking out the little sapling. The woodpecker was
gone most of the day and when he finally came back he was
exhausted and pretty used up. When the old trees asked him
what had happened to him he replied "Well I'll tell you what,
it' not a son of a beech and it's not a son of a birch but
it's the best piece of ash I've ever sunk my pecker in.

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