



GhanaWeb TV




Misc Jokes

King of the Roost

One day an old rooster who was the king of the hen house is
approached by a young strong rooster who says, "You have been
king of this hen house for a long time. It is time for me to
step in and take over so I am calling you out. If I can take
you in a fight, then I will become king of the roost."

The old rooster replies, "I know I have gotten old and you
can probably knock my block off. I really don't want to fight
you. I am willing to step down from my position but I want to
do it with dignity. Let's have a race. We will race around
the hen house three times. If you let me lead the first two
laps, I will feel like I have had my final moment of glory
and will step down as king of the hen house. You can pass me
at the beginning of the third lap, win the race, and step in
as the new king of the roost."

The young rooster agrees and the race begins. The old
rooster is getting pretty tired by the end of the second lap
and the young rooster starts to close in to make the pass and
lead the final lap.

Just then, there is a series of shotgun blasts from the farm
house. The young rooster is sent spinning across the barn
yard with the second blast.

Over on the farm house porch, the farmer puts down his
shotgun, turns to his wife and says, "Damn, Mildred, that is
the third mixed up rooster we have had this week!!"

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