Misc Jokes

The Train to Mannheim

One day a man took the train from Paris to Frankfurt. When
he got in he said to the ticket man, "Sir, I really need you
to do me a favor. I have to get on this train in Mannheim,
but I'm very tired and I'm sure that I will fall asleep. So,
what I want you to do is that you wake me up in Mannheim
because I have to close a business there and it is very
important for me.

Here is 100 francs for the favor. But I warn you, sometimes
when people wake me up, I get really violent, but no matter
what I do or say, you have to get me out of this train in
Mannheim. Is that clear?"

The ticket man agreed and took the 100 francs. Later, as the
man had said, he did fall asleep, and when he woke up he
realized that he was in Frankfurt. He was so mad at the
ticket man, that he ran over and started yelling at the
ticket man.

"Are you stupid or something? I paid you 100 francs so that
you wake me up in Mannheim. You didn't! I want my money

While the man was yelling at the ticket guy, two other guys
that were also in the train were looking at them. One turns
to the other and says to him, "Look at this guy! He is so

The other guy replies, "Yeah, almost as mad as the guy they
made get out of the train in Mannheim."

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