Misc Jokes

Three Little Pigs

Little Jimmy's father always used to tell him bedtime
stories. Being the quick-witted fellow that he was, he
always embelished on them adding little jokes here and

One day in Little Jimmy's kindergarten class, his teacher
was telling them the strory of the three little pigs. Jimmy
knew this story because his father always told him this
before he went to bed. They were at the part when the first
pig needed to build his house.

"Then," the teacher said, "the first little pig needed straw
to build his house. Along the road he saw a farmer
carrying a bail of straw. So the little pig walked up to the
farmer and asked him if he could borrow his straw to
build a house. Then class, do you know what the farmer

Little Jimmy immedeatly raised his hand, knowing the

"Yes Jimmy," replied the teacher.


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