Misc Jokes

Hugh Hefner and Heather Locklear go to Heaven

Hugh Hefner and Heather Locklear die and go to heaven. They
are greeted by St. Peter who says to Hugh, "You have
corrupted the lives of many men and boys alike with your
pornography. You have only one chance to get into the kingdom
of God, you must walk down that tunnel without even one
unclean thought. If you do, a trap door will open up under
you and you will fall into hell where you will cry and gnash
your teeth."

Hugh decides that this will be easy for the tunnel is only
100 feet long. So he begins down the tunnel with St. Peter
following behind. About half way down the tunnel St. Peter
leans over towards Hugh and yells "Tits!" and a trap door
opens and Hugh falls down into Hell.

St. Peter then goes to Heather Locklear and says, "You have
corrupted the lives of many men and boys alike with your sexy
looks. You have only one chance to get into the kingdom of
God, you must walk down that tunnel without even one unclean
thought. If you do, a trap door will open up under you and
you will fall into Hell where you will cry and gnash your

They begin there long trek down the tunnel. About half way
down St. Peter leans over towards Heather and a trap door
opens and St. Peter falls down into Hell.

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