Misc Jokes

Priest and Carpenter

A priest and a carpenter were on the roof of the church
repairing it. The carpenter hit his thumb and excalimed,
"Damn it! I missed!" The priest looked at him and said," You
know one of these days God will strike you down." The
carpenter appologized, and went back to work. A few minutes
later,The carpenter hit his thumb and excalimed, "Damn it! I
missed!" The priest looked at him and said," You know one of
these days God will strike you down." the carpenter again
appologized, and went back to work. a few minutes later, He
hit his thumb again, and yelled,"Damn it! I missed" Before
the priest could say anything, a bolt of lightning hit the
priest. as the carpenter looked around, he heard a voice
say,"Damn it! I missed!"

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