Misc Jokes

No Tomatoes

Woman to Grocer: I would like 3 pounds of tomatoes.

Grocer: We are out of tomatoes.

Woman: I really need some tomatoes. I'll take 2 pounds.

Grocer: We don't have ANY tomatoes.

Woman: You don't understand. I really need some tomatoes. I
can get by with just 1 pound.

Grocer: Lady, if you take the straw out of strawberries what
would you have?

Woman: Berries.

Grocer: If you take the head out of head lettuce what would
you have?

Woman: Lettuce.

Grocer: If you take the fuck out of tomatoes what would you

Woman: There's no fuck in tomatoes.

Grocer: That's what I've been trying to tell you, lady.

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