Misc Jokes

Lone Ranger

The Lone Ranger and Tonto are having a drink in the local
saloon when a cowboy walks in and asks "Who owns the white
horse outside?". The Lone Ranger stands up, hitches his
gunbelt and drawls "I do.". The cowboy gulps and says "sorry
mister, but I just thought you'd like to know your horse
looks about dead.". The Lone Ranger and Tonto rush outside
and sure enough, Silvers almost had it from heat exhaustion.
The Lone Ranger gives him some water and says to Tonto "Old
friend, I want you to run around Silver and see if you can
cool him by making a breeze". Tonto replies "Yes Kemosabe",
and as he runs in circles around silver, the Lone Ranger nips
back in to finish his drink. A few minutes later another
cowboy swaggers in and asks "Who owns the horse outside?".
The Lone Ranger stands up and drawls "I do. Now what's wrong
with him?". "Nothing" replies the cowboy, "but I thought
you'd like to know you've left your injun running".

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