Misc Jokes
One summer, Jacob hired a contractor to build him a 2
bedroom bungalow. In October, he owned a beautiful home and
promptly paid the contractor the $50,000 they had agreed
Next spring, he had the contractor build him a garage. When
it was finished, Jacob paid him the$20,000 as agreed.
The following year, Jacob wanted a large patio with a brick
barbeque. Everything went fine until the final day. The top
of the BBQ could not be completed as the contractor ran out
of materiels. And a heated argument ensued.
A month later, Jacob and the contractor found themselves in
Contractor, "Your Honor, I would like to receive damages for
Defamation of Character."
Judge' "On what grounds?"
Contractor; "Well, you see, Your Honor, after I had trouble
finishing the top of the barbeque, I overheard Jacob tell
someone that I was a few bricks short of a load"