
Cast ballots carried in private vehicle in Tamale

Cast Ballot1 The ballot boxes being put in the booth of the car by the electoral officers.

Mon, 5 Dec 2016 Source:

Ballot boxes containing cast ballot papers for the second round of special voting were Sunday transported in a private vehicle to safety due to unavailability of official vehicle.

At the close of polls Sunday, Electoral Commission officials at the Tamale South Constituency in the Northern Region could not get official vehicle to transport the ballot boxes and other materials to the Tamale District Police Headquarters.

Left with no option, party agents and the EC officials agreed for the boxes of the presidential and parliamentary elections to be carried in a private vehicle of one of the electoral officers.

The ballot boxes were then put at the booth of the Murano SUV and driven to the Police headquarters with the Presiding officer, Musah Mohammed while party agents rode behind the vehicle on motorbikes.

Contained in the ballot boxes were 49 cast votes each for the presidential and parliamentary elections.

Meanwhile, tension erupted at the Police headquarters when unused ballot papers from the Tamale North Constituency were taken away by one of the electoral officials.

After an almost chaotic scene at the police deadquarters, the unused ballot papers were brought and surrended to the police for records and safekeeping.

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