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APC describes NPP’s manifesto as ‘phantom’; laughs off stealing claims


Sat, 8 Oct 2016 Source:

The All People’s Congress [APC] has described as ‘childish,’ accusations made by some members of the New Patriotic Party that the APC has stolen their manifesto.

The APC launched its manifesto on last Thursday in Accra but has been labelled by the NPP as a “verbatim reproduction of the NPP manifesto,” a claim that left many Ghanaians wondering as to how the APC managed to get details of the yet to be launched NPP manifesto.

Responding to the claims Saturday at a news conference at the party’s headquarters in Accra, General Secretary of the APC, Razak Kojo Opoku, noted said the allegation is a palpably falsehood.

He stated that the claim being peddled by the NPP is an attempt to water down what he said is the APC’s overwhelming and far-reaching policies outlined in the party’s 2016 manifesto.

The manifesto, according to Mr Opoku, is a product of months of diligent work by the founder and presidential nominee of the APC, Dr Hassan Ayariga and his team of experts in the party.

“Any suggestion therefore that the APC took any portion of the NPP’s phantom manifesto is only a figment of the imagination of the NPP flag-bearer and his team,” he said.

Razak Opoku added: “we note that the NPP has in recent past put up many juvenile explanations to cover up for their inexplicable failure to write a manifesto.

“They have accused everybody under the sun of stealing their manifesto at a time when they have not put out any document for public scrutiny”.

He therefore urged the electorates to disregard what he described as “tantrums” being thrown out by the NPP about APC’S manifesto.

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