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Asiedu Nketia just wants attention - Adomako Baafi

Adomako Baafi1 Lawyer Yaw Adomako Baafi

Wed, 27 Sep 2017 Source:

Lawyer Yaw Adomako Baafi, Acting Communications Director of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) has rebuked Asiedu Nketia, General Secretary of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) for making needless justifications pertaining NDC serial caller Appiah Stadium’s issue.

According to him, he expects Asiedu Nketia at this time of his age to be setting good examples for future leaders to follow and as well condemn what is negative.

“I see a lot of public figures who spoke ruthlessly in their youthful days change their way of addressing issues to the media as their ages add up, but it is a no when it comes to Asiedu Nketia who is already above 50,” he lamented.

“Asiedu Nketia believes he knows everything, yet all his actions are geared towards the irrelevant position offered him by his party executives. He is indulging himself in such acts just to catch the eye of his party members to pay attention to him,” he added.

Speaking on Kasapa FM’s morning show on the way out to curb our airwaves from bad language, Lawyer Adomako Baafi urged that “party executives should try and train their communicators before they get them on board to speak on behalf of the party they belong. And the best saying we need to adapt to keep us on track is to know that charity begins at home”.


NDC’s popular serial caller Appiah Stadium, as he is affectionately called was captured in an audio in which he tagged President Nana Addo as a “wee smoker” and later likened him to a “monkey”.

He was believed to have sent the recorded verbal abuse to some NDC platforms which was allegedly leaked by his own group members - where it had since gone viral leading to his arrest by police in the Ashanti Region.

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