Northern Regional Chairman, Daniel Bugri Naabu
The rift between Northern Regional Chairman Daniel Bugri Naabu and Minister for Gender and Social Protection, Madam Otiko Afisa Djaba has drawn in their supporters with both throwing salvos at each other.
In series of voice recordings that have gone viral on social media, Madam Aku Sika Nkansah, the coordinator for the Ghana School Feeding Programme in the Volta Region is heard demolishing the outspoken Burgri Naabu with unprintable insults.
It is not readily known what provoked the woman in question in the latest line of insults to direct her fury at Mr Bugri Bugri Naabu who since the inception of the current administration has had series of confrontations with Madam Otiko Djaba over appointments to the school feeding programme in the Northern Region.
Madam Aku Sika Nkansah in the audio claims she is possessed to speak her mind to the NPP regional chairman and described him as impotent who can only get an erection after spotting the thighs of a pretty woman like Otiko his family cannot boast of.
“I beg of you, someone must send me Bugri Naabu personal number. It is happening to me as though I am possessed. I want to tell him the truth and send him an image of Otiko to see if he has someone like Otiko in her family before. If he sees someone like Otiko’s thighs, his dead manhood will resurrect. I want call him to order and tell him where his weight can be – not on Otiko Djaba. Someone should allow us to go and tell Nana what we feel about Bugri Naabu. Bugri Naabu has touched fire. I will deal with him if no one does,” she said.
In a sharp response, Madam Felicia Tetteh, Northern region coordinator said “If there is an issue, as grown as you are, you don’t come in with more insults. You don’t take sides; we look for a way to create peace. I’m so highly disappointed in you,”