
Don’t sign up as NABCO nurses – Private Nurses to members

Fresh Nurses The Coalition of Unemployed Private Nurses demand permanent employment

Mon, 30 Apr 2018 Source:

The leadership of Coalition of Unemployed Private Nurses(COUPN) has asked its members across the country to refrain from signing up for the NABCO module dubbed; HEAL GHANA by government, insisting members deserve permanent status than what is being given them under the Nation Builders Corps.

A release by the leadership has urged for calm among members while following a supposed roadmap by the leadership in the NABCO matter.

“We need to be respected not to undermined our professional status and integrity. We are solely entitled to be employed in accordance with the Act, we swore an oath making us many professionals to be entrusted with innocent lives. Government can, however, launch NATION BUILDERS CORPS(NABCO). But the section 7 where we health professionals find ourselves under (HEALTH GHANA) we still stand very firm by our right as CITIZENS NOT SPECTATORS to REJECT NATION BUILDERS CORPS (NABCO).HEAL GHANA. We BOLDLY WANT TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE PUBLIC THAT WE HAVE NOT ENDORSED THE ‘HEAL GHANA’. We are professionals and we deserve better than this (NABCO).”

The Ministry of Health has told unposted nurses that they will not be forced to be recruited under the Nation Builders Corps (NABCO)to be launched tomorrow, May 1, 2018.

The programme is a major government policy to cut down on the surging unemployment in the country.

Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia has hinted the programme aims to recruit about hundred thousand youth including some 10,000 nurses.

“We are embarking on a new programme that the President is going to launch on May Day, and it is targeted at graduate unemployment. It is called the Nation Builders Corps and it is to supplement all the other programmes run by the Youth Employment Agency and the others. The Nation Builders Corps is going to be hiring graduates.

“We are beginning this and this year by the grace of God we will be recruiting 100,000 graduates. “This is a major initiative that will be launched on May 1st, and for those who have completed their national service recruitment will start on that day online,” Dr Bawumia noted at the 22nd Congregation of the University of Education, Winneba.

Below is the full statement:


The leadership of COALITION OF UNEMPLOYED PRIVATE NURSES (COUPN) and the entire membership across Ghana wishes to draw the attention of the general public and the good people of Ghana to the UNFAIR treatment by the current government to PROFESSIONAL HEALTH WORKERS.

Unemployment at the health sector of this country has been a bone of contention involving innocent youth who have been well groomed qualified health professionals.

Therefore given rise in formation of magnitude groups to fight the plight of securing for employment. Coalition of Unemployed Private Nurses (COUPN), has been the mouth piece for our members who have been ages left out from employment system by the government since 2011 till date.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) has invariably claim and ascertain that our names have been sent to the finance ministry for clearance to be made, that is availing ourselves to our follow up consensus subjected to our verification process.

Nevertheless, NATION BUILDERS CORPS (NABCO) rather have been allocated to us claiming its awaits the clearance. We therefore bring to the attention of all members of (COUPN) and the entire concern people of Ghana that, WE ARE PROFESSIONALS AND NOT ALLOWANCE (NABCO) NURSES, SO THEREFORE WE REJECT the MODULE; HEAL GHANA UNDER THE NABCO FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS.

We need to be respected and not to undermine our professional status and integrity. We are solely entitled to be employed in accordance with the Act, we swore an oat making us much professionals to be entrusted with innocent lives. Government can however launch NATION BUILDERS CORPS(NABCO) But the section 7 where we health professionals find ourselves under (HEALTH GHANA) we still stand very firm by our right as CITIZENS NOT SPECTATORS to REJECT NATION BUILDERS CORPS (NABCO); HEAL GHANA. We therefore call on officials of MOH to retract the statement that ‘they are given us a favour’.

We BOLDLY WANT TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE PUBLIC THAT WE HAVE NOT ENDORSED THE ‘HEAL GHANA’. We are professionals and we deserve better than this (NABCO).

We the National Executive council (NEC) of the Coalition have finally decided and arrived at the following disadvantage to us as far as the ‘HEAL GHANA’ policy is concern.

1. Government will be adamant but not tenacious to push for our financial clearance be released after agreement to be enrolled on the HEAL GHANA module.

2. Denial of employees to have full benefit with regards to all conditions of service in as much that, salaries will not be the same as our colleagues been posted permanently. Moreover mode of payment would not be through Controller and Accountant General Department consequently restricts all members to get appraisals.

3. Job description will be a major challenge when we get ourselves enrolled under NABCO. Are we to be called STAFFS or NABCO NURSES as previous government did?

4. We are not by any interest to create disunity among ourselves and that of our colleagues posted permanently, since they might however look down upon us which will really jeopardize our relationship and profession.

We are therefore sending a strong signal through this medium alerting the Government that we are one entity and by no instance will we create room for conflicts.

We won’t sit idle as professionals and be used to score cheap political interest. We respect our profession and we still embark on REJECTING THE HEAL GHANA POLICY FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS.


Therefore, members should refrain from signing up for the NABCO module dubbed; HEAL GHANA and further advise the government that the BEST WAY to heal Ghana is to give life savers *PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT other than that they are entrusting innocent lives into irate nurses and health Professionals as a whole.




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