
Kufuor Cabinet's Report Card

Tue, 11 Jan 2005 Source: --

Quashiga Earns Highest Grade in Study of Ministers' Performance
In a final-term report card, Courage Quashiga earned the highest grade among members of the Kufuor Cabinet. The minister of agriculture receives the only 'A-' on our report card. The minister for education, Baah-wiredu, minister for defence Addo-Kufuor and the attorney general Owusu-Ankomah (B) followed closely with B, B+ and B+ respectively

The minister for tourism and modernization of the capital Jake Obestsebi-Lamptey (E-), and Senior minister J. H. Mensah received the lowest grade.

The ministerial heads were graded on such criteria as performance, their success in helping the president politically and on how well they managed their departments. However, the relevance of the ministry seems to have played a part in the grading.

The survey was conducted by Ghanaweb International among 51 Ghanaians from all walks of life.
A-Excellent B-Good, C-satisfactory, D-Pass, E-Poor, F-Fail

Grade Comments
Courage Quashigah
(Food & Agriculture)
A- Hard working, honest and determined. The food situation in the country could not have been better. Critics and friends both say that his future could be brighter than his past.
?Not your typical NPP minister: He?s discharged his duties devoid of razzmatazz? ?Civil Servant
?Technically good but needs to be more of a politician; Make more noise with achievements? ?Businessman
Kwadwo Baah-Wiredu
(Education, Youth & Sports)
B+ Education has not improved, sports is almost dysfunctional, but he?s rated highly by all those polled for leadership, sincerity, modesty and hard work.
?Has demonstrated that he has all that it takes to be a minister? ?Journalist
?He is doing a good job with infrastructure for schools, but a lot more needs to be done to improve the performance of teachers, especially in the public schools.? - educationist
K. Addo-Kufour
B Excellent human relations, but he seems more interested in defending his brother?s position than the country. Cries of nepotism can be ignored, because he?s performed creditably. Dented his image in the extortion, blackmail & cover-up of police officers in Kosovo case and importation of rice scandal.
??.has been very impressive. He has managed the ministry very well. Sourcing funds to improve the lot of the ministry?
Papa Owusu-Ankomah
(Justice & Attorney General)
B Brought some semblance of sanity to the justice ministry after Akuffo-Addo?s hastily set-up Fast Track Courts caused upheaval. His pathetic attempt to defend Moctar Bamba was the low-point in his ministerial-ship.
?He needs to be more of "the peoples man". He needs to talk to the people in the "language" they understand? - -Businessman
Alan Kyeremateng
(Trade, Industry & PSI)
B- He?s done a pretty good job with trade, but PSI is still a mystery to most Ghanaians. He?s got to re-define or Please Scrap It (PSI). He?s been a minister for 2 years, thus his grade might not be reflective.
?Nobody understands what his PSI is all about? -Civil Servant
?Why did he leave his post in USA? What happened to the proceeds from the sale of Ghana embassy premises in USA?? ?Ghanaian in USA
Kwesi Nduom
B- He has been able to maintain some stability in an otherwise chaotic energy sector. No major energy crisis so far, power cuts are less frequent in major cities and rural electrification program seems to be in full swing. However, the fall of VALCO, Wereko-Brobby-VRA crisis, Sahara Deal, Strategic Reserve Plant scandals still hang over his head. He can blame his predecessor Kan-Dapaah.
?Talks too much. Lets see more action? ? worker
Yaw Osafo-Maafo
(Finance & Economic Planning)
C+ Inflation is down, interest-rates have dropped, income per capita is up and cedi is relatively stable, but the ordinary Ghanaian is yet to feel the impact. Tarnished his reputation by his involvement & defence of phony loans - IFC & CNTCI - and his long silence on his phantom award.
?Massa, my personal economy never improve, so giv am F? ?trotro mate
?Osafo Mafo has not been impressive. The economy is still in shambles? ? ICT worker
Hackman Owusu-Agyeman
C+ Armed robbery is under control and the police have been relatively well equipped. However, law enforcement is still rife with corruption & incompetence. Hackman seems to uphold and enforce the law only when it serves his and the govt?s interest. The fake coup alarm, implication in the hacking of his maid, and inability to uncover the murderer(s) of the Ya Na & Mobilla means he?s probably not the man for this job.
?Hackman is my man ? no nonsense man.? ?Policeman
?He seems not to be interested in investigating human rights violations involving security agencies? ?University lecturer
Nana Akufo-Addo
(Foreign Affairs)
C Too arrogant with basically no people skills. Good at his job but attracts criticism as a result of his attitude. Last year, he stated that there would be no major overhaul of our foreign policy. Do we really have one?
?Too arrogant; a move to local govt ministry will humble him.? ?Teacher
?Kufuor seems to be doing his job for him? ?Ghanaian in Diaspora
?Left the justice ministry in a mess? -lawyer
Nana Akomea
C- Very articulate, but will need to present more credible facts in his press statements. He?s not pro-active enough - only reacts to allegations. He?s not been an effective spokesman for the administration's economic policies, but then the frontiers of his ministry are not well defined.
?The gov?t seems to have a media problem, because all the guys who parade themselves as gov?t spokespersons are just happy with their titles and not working. Akomea should do something about it if he can.? ?diplomat
?Radio Minister. Talks too much and has mishandled gov?t communication in so many ways.? ?Journalist
Yaw Barimah
(Employment & Manpower Dev?t)
C- Structures for labour law are still nonexistent. Unemployment data is not available, but the number of people roaming the streets with others engaged in petty trading (dog chains, razor blades, plastic bagged iced-water) tells a story of utter failure.
?He's not developing any manpower. Just a position occupier.? ?Journalist
Cecilia Bannerman
C- Lots of investment in the mining industry, but can she claim the credit? She?s aiding mining companies to curb illegal mining, but yet to lay down rules to protect miners & the environment. She?ll not be forgiven, by some critics, for overseeing the sale of Ghana?s pride - Ashanti Goldfield - one of the few companies in Africa, with a market capitalization of over $1 billion.
?Should be dismissed, she has no clue? ?Journalist
Aliu Mahama
(Vice President)
C- His ?campaign against Indiscipline?, launched amidst the usual fanfare was a colossal failure. Critics overlook the fact that he is doing exactly what his boss, the president, wants him to do.
?A mere hanger-on? ?Journalist
?No action from his end. Well he can only perform when his boss is out of town? ?Businessman
Kwaku Afriyie
D+ The much-hyped National Health Insurance Scheme is looking more & more like a farce. Our hospitals are still poorly equipped, doctors & nurses are leaving in droves and patients still endure ?cash-and-carry?. Mr. minister what?s going on?
?Hospitals are still arenas of death, not healing? ?Journalist
?Inadequate/understaffed health insurance scheme enrich "Health Providers"(Insurance Companies) and fail to deliver quality health services? ?anon
K. Adjei-Darko
(Local Government & Rural Dev?t)
D+ Although he achieved some of his narrow objectives, he appears to have failed at what was arguably his primary task: rural development. His failure to launch a civic education drive to spell out the peoples? rights and duties, means most folks don?t understand the functionality of their DCEs
?People still have to come to Accra for passports. Has not promoted decentralization.? ?Journalist
?What advancement has he made in terms of local government strengthening?? ?DCE
Mustapha Idris Ali
(Work & Housing)
D+ The quality of life in Ghana must be measured by living conditions namely ? HOUSING. No visible improvement in the past 4 years. There is still a lot of rot at the GWSC, an increasing number of Ghanaians can't pay their rent and landlords are having a field day charging exorbitant 'advances.
?Where is the housing? No wonder his own people rejected him at the polls.? ? civil servant ?Massa this one no bi minister. I?ve never heard the name? ? Taxi driver
Dr Richard W. Anane
(Roads, Highways & Transport)
D He drove the last nail into Ghanair's coffin. Domestic transport, especially in the big cities, is a total mess. What happened to the promise of extending the railway to the north? Oops, we have a minister for railways? but doesn?t railway fall under transportation?. Confusion galore
?Ghana Air is his nemesis? ?diplomat
?Our roads are terrible, we lack anything close to a highway and transportation has not improved?. So why keep him?? ?driver
Kasim Kasanga
(Science & Environment)
D Science in Ghana is basically non-existent, so he can be judged solely on the environment. He?s failed to demonstrate his commitment to environmental conservation.
?Is he still there?? ?Journalist
?This ministry should be scrapped or merged with some other.? ?CEO
Kwamena Bartels
(Private Sector Development)
D Blows too much hot air, while accomplishing very little. In places like the US, politicians resign from government to go to the private sector to make more money. If he?s done his job well, then he should take up the challenge and join the private sector.
?Our private sector remains politicized, i.e. only NPP supporters can start a business & are assured of contracts.? ?Businessman
?He just talks about private sector dev't. Who's he fooling? No real proposals for revamping local entrepreneurship.? -anon
Felix Owusu-Adjapong
(Parliamentary Affairs)
D One of many ministries created for the boys - duplicating the work of the Office of Parliament and weakening the influence of the legislative body in the realm of government. His claim to fame is the defence of MPs for taking car loans they can?t afford to pay back.
?Useless minister in a useless position? ?Journalist
?..arrogant. He deserves no place in the government? ? director
Gladys Asmah
(Women & Children Affairs)
D- She?s not been able to place the role of women in the front burner of Ghana's male-dominated society 29% of children aged 7-14 years are engaged in economic activity. Most of the people polled were not impressed.
?Utterly useless. frying gari/squeezing oil is not the only women affair.? ?Journalist
?Needs to be changed immediately. She is however a political asset to NPP cos she distributes mico-credit to women. More votes!!!?
Dominic Fobih
(Lands & Forestry)
D- A failure of Imagination and lack of sound land policy is affecting sustained development. Not much impact when he was at the science ministry either.
?Failed to promote science in any meaningful way? ?Journalist
?Technically good. He is in the right post? -BM
Christopher Ameyaw-Ekumfi
(Ports, Harbours and Railways)
E Very low grades across the board from all polled. Not his fault though, he could have been better utilized elsewhere. At the ministry of education, he awarded contracts for the reprinting of science textbooks to his cronies without going through tender. No wonder his own people rejected him at the polls. This ministry is totally unnecessary and should have been maintained under transport.
?Smart, eloquent, and loyal, all rare qualities. But he has not performed as expected?
?Cutting of the sod for work to begin on the Achimota-Tema rail line s not enough to save his job.?
Albert Kan-Dapaah
(Communications & Technology)
E The gov?t still lacks a viable ICT policy. The telecom giants are fighting and telecommunications is a mess. TV/radio licensing still suffers from governmental interference and licenses are still given to favorites of the ruling elite. Left a mess at the energy ministry.
?He has no clue about what he's doing.? ?Journalist
Kofi Apraku
(Regional Cooperation & NEPAD)
E- Shady, incompetent and arrogant. However, he can?t be solely blamed for non-performance; The ministry is of no significance. Famous for his diversion of GFZB Funds and the way he wiggled his way out of prosecution.
?He talks too much nonsense. Another position occupier should have been sacked from government long ago.? ?Journalist
?That ministry will have to be closed down. NEPAD IS JUST NOT WORKING!!? ?businessman
Jake Obestsebi-Lamptey
Tourism & Modernisation of the Capital
E- Ghana?s Karl Rove; Bush did not reward Karl with a ?ministerial appointment?. Kufuor should take a cue from that. Accra is worse and filthy than he came to meet it. He?s however succeeded as a front for Latter Day Saints Church and still no account for the illegal appropriation of ?150bn from the Castle renovation project.
?Totally useless. The most useless and ineffective of all the ministers. He still does not even know his job specifications. Should be sacked and put on trial for being such a failure? ?Journalist
?Still performs as if he is in the "Office of the President". Nothing is happening in Tourism nor the beautification of Accra? -Student
Hon. J.H. Mensah
(Senior Minister)
F What is the purpose of his office? His ministry is almost non-existent and he?ll probably be better on a council of elders or state. If he were a man of high principle, he would have resigned when he was offered this token position
?Venerable wise man. He should be serving as a presidential advisor, not a minister.? ?Journalist
?If this ministry survives, it will be a dumping ground for lackluster political employees? ?Teacher
"How can i judge him, when i don't know what his targets are? Useless ministry" -University Lecturer
Ministers of State Rashid Bawa, Elizabeth Ohene, Christine Churcher, Dr. Nii Ashong, Ishmael Ashitey, C.O. Nyanor, Ben Salifu - Can somebody please explain to Ghanaians what these so-called ministers have done in 4 years?
?Sack them all, they are a drain on state resources? ?student
Deputy Ministers Asamoah-Boateng, Awuni Thomas Broni, Angela Ofori Atta, Joe Aggrey, Nkrabea Effah-Darteh etc -
?Most of the ministries have 2 deputies?. why?? ?student
?Ghana does not need any deputies. Directors at the ministries can deputize when the minister is away.? ?journalist
??Most of them have lots of time to chase apuskeleke? - Student

Quashiga Earns Highest Grade in Study of Ministers' Performance
In a final-term report card, Courage Quashiga earned the highest grade among members of the Kufuor Cabinet. The minister of agriculture receives the only 'A-' on our report card. The minister for education, Baah-wiredu, minister for defence Addo-Kufuor and the attorney general Owusu-Ankomah (B) followed closely with B, B+ and B+ respectively

The minister for tourism and modernization of the capital Jake Obestsebi-Lamptey (E-), and Senior minister J. H. Mensah received the lowest grade.

The ministerial heads were graded on such criteria as performance, their success in helping the president politically and on how well they managed their departments. However, the relevance of the ministry seems to have played a part in the grading.

The survey was conducted by Ghanaweb International among 51 Ghanaians from all walks of life.
A-Excellent B-Good, C-satisfactory, D-Pass, E-Poor, F-Fail

Grade Comments
Courage Quashigah
(Food & Agriculture)
A- Hard working, honest and determined. The food situation in the country could not have been better. Critics and friends both say that his future could be brighter than his past.
?Not your typical NPP minister: He?s discharged his duties devoid of razzmatazz? ?Civil Servant
?Technically good but needs to be more of a politician; Make more noise with achievements? ?Businessman
Kwadwo Baah-Wiredu
(Education, Youth & Sports)
B+ Education has not improved, sports is almost dysfunctional, but he?s rated highly by all those polled for leadership, sincerity, modesty and hard work.
?Has demonstrated that he has all that it takes to be a minister? ?Journalist
?He is doing a good job with infrastructure for schools, but a lot more needs to be done to improve the performance of teachers, especially in the public schools.? - educationist
K. Addo-Kufour
B Excellent human relations, but he seems more interested in defending his brother?s position than the country. Cries of nepotism can be ignored, because he?s performed creditably. Dented his image in the extortion, blackmail & cover-up of police officers in Kosovo case and importation of rice scandal.
??.has been very impressive. He has managed the ministry very well. Sourcing funds to improve the lot of the ministry?
Papa Owusu-Ankomah
(Justice & Attorney General)
B Brought some semblance of sanity to the justice ministry after Akuffo-Addo?s hastily set-up Fast Track Courts caused upheaval. His pathetic attempt to defend Moctar Bamba was the low-point in his ministerial-ship.
?He needs to be more of "the peoples man". He needs to talk to the people in the "language" they understand? - -Businessman
Alan Kyeremateng
(Trade, Industry & PSI)
B- He?s done a pretty good job with trade, but PSI is still a mystery to most Ghanaians. He?s got to re-define or Please Scrap It (PSI). He?s been a minister for 2 years, thus his grade might not be reflective.
?Nobody understands what his PSI is all about? -Civil Servant
?Why did he leave his post in USA? What happened to the proceeds from the sale of Ghana embassy premises in USA?? ?Ghanaian in USA
Kwesi Nduom
B- He has been able to maintain some stability in an otherwise chaotic energy sector. No major energy crisis so far, power cuts are less frequent in major cities and rural electrification program seems to be in full swing. However, the fall of VALCO, Wereko-Brobby-VRA crisis, Sahara Deal, Strategic Reserve Plant scandals still hang over his head. He can blame his predecessor Kan-Dapaah.
?Talks too much. Lets see more action? ? worker
Yaw Osafo-Maafo
(Finance & Economic Planning)
C+ Inflation is down, interest-rates have dropped, income per capita is up and cedi is relatively stable, but the ordinary Ghanaian is yet to feel the impact. Tarnished his reputation by his involvement & defence of phony loans - IFC & CNTCI - and his long silence on his phantom award.
?Massa, my personal economy never improve, so giv am F? ?trotro mate
?Osafo Mafo has not been impressive. The economy is still in shambles? ? ICT worker
Hackman Owusu-Agyeman
C+ Armed robbery is under control and the police have been relatively well equipped. However, law enforcement is still rife with corruption & incompetence. Hackman seems to uphold and enforce the law only when it serves his and the govt?s interest. The fake coup alarm, implication in the hacking of his maid, and inability to uncover the murderer(s) of the Ya Na & Mobilla means he?s probably not the man for this job.
?Hackman is my man ? no nonsense man.? ?Policeman
?He seems not to be interested in investigating human rights violations involving security agencies? ?University lecturer
Nana Akufo-Addo
(Foreign Affairs)
C Too arrogant with basically no people skills. Good at his job but attracts criticism as a result of his attitude. Last year, he stated that there would be no major overhaul of our foreign policy. Do we really have one?
?Too arrogant; a move to local govt ministry will humble him.? ?Teacher
?Kufuor seems to be doing his job for him? ?Ghanaian in Diaspora
?Left the justice ministry in a mess? -lawyer
Nana Akomea
C- Very articulate, but will need to present more credible facts in his press statements. He?s not pro-active enough - only reacts to allegations. He?s not been an effective spokesman for the administration's economic policies, but then the frontiers of his ministry are not well defined.
?The gov?t seems to have a media problem, because all the guys who parade themselves as gov?t spokespersons are just happy with their titles and not working. Akomea should do something about it if he can.? ?diplomat
?Radio Minister. Talks too much and has mishandled gov?t communication in so many ways.? ?Journalist
Yaw Barimah
(Employment & Manpower Dev?t)
C- Structures for labour law are still nonexistent. Unemployment data is not available, but the number of people roaming the streets with others engaged in petty trading (dog chains, razor blades, plastic bagged iced-water) tells a story of utter failure.
?He's not developing any manpower. Just a position occupier.? ?Journalist
Cecilia Bannerman
C- Lots of investment in the mining industry, but can she claim the credit? She?s aiding mining companies to curb illegal mining, but yet to lay down rules to protect miners & the environment. She?ll not be forgiven, by some critics, for overseeing the sale of Ghana?s pride - Ashanti Goldfield - one of the few companies in Africa, with a market capitalization of over $1 billion.
?Should be dismissed, she has no clue? ?Journalist
Aliu Mahama
(Vice President)
C- His ?campaign against Indiscipline?, launched amidst the usual fanfare was a colossal failure. Critics overlook the fact that he is doing exactly what his boss, the president, wants him to do.
?A mere hanger-on? ?Journalist
?No action from his end. Well he can only perform when his boss is out of town? ?Businessman
Kwaku Afriyie
D+ The much-hyped National Health Insurance Scheme is looking more & more like a farce. Our hospitals are still poorly equipped, doctors & nurses are leaving in droves and patients still endure ?cash-and-carry?. Mr. minister what?s going on?
?Hospitals are still arenas of death, not healing? ?Journalist
?Inadequate/understaffed health insurance scheme enrich "Health Providers"(Insurance Companies) and fail to deliver quality health services? ?anon
K. Adjei-Darko
(Local Government & Rural Dev?t)
D+ Although he achieved some of his narrow objectives, he appears to have failed at what was arguably his primary task: rural development. His failure to launch a civic education drive to spell out the peoples? rights and duties, means most folks don?t understand the functionality of their DCEs
?People still have to come to Accra for passports. Has not promoted decentralization.? ?Journalist
?What advancement has he made in terms of local government strengthening?? ?DCE
Mustapha Idris Ali
(Work & Housing)
D+ The quality of life in Ghana must be measured by living conditions namely ? HOUSING. No visible improvement in the past 4 years. There is still a lot of rot at the GWSC, an increasing number of Ghanaians can't pay their rent and landlords are having a field day charging exorbitant 'advances.
?Where is the housing? No wonder his own people rejected him at the polls.? ? civil servant ?Massa this one no bi minister. I?ve never heard the name? ? Taxi driver
Dr Richard W. Anane
(Roads, Highways & Transport)
D He drove the last nail into Ghanair's coffin. Domestic transport, especially in the big cities, is a total mess. What happened to the promise of extending the railway to the north? Oops, we have a minister for railways? but doesn?t railway fall under transportation?. Confusion galore
?Ghana Air is his nemesis? ?diplomat
?Our roads are terrible, we lack anything close to a highway and transportation has not improved?. So why keep him?? ?driver
Kasim Kasanga
(Science & Environment)
D Science in Ghana is basically non-existent, so he can be judged solely on the environment. He?s failed to demonstrate his commitment to environmental conservation.
?Is he still there?? ?Journalist
?This ministry should be scrapped or merged with some other.? ?CEO
Kwamena Bartels
(Private Sector Development)
D Blows too much hot air, while accomplishing very little. In places like the US, politicians resign from government to go to the private sector to make more money. If he?s done his job well, then he should take up the challenge and join the private sector.
?Our private sector remains politicized, i.e. only NPP supporters can start a business & are assured of contracts.? ?Businessman
?He just talks about private sector dev't. Who's he fooling? No real proposals for revamping local entrepreneurship.? -anon
Felix Owusu-Adjapong
(Parliamentary Affairs)
D One of many ministries created for the boys - duplicating the work of the Office of Parliament and weakening the influence of the legislative body in the realm of government. His claim to fame is the defence of MPs for taking car loans they can?t afford to pay back.
?Useless minister in a useless position? ?Journalist
?..arrogant. He deserves no place in the government? ? director
Gladys Asmah
(Women & Children Affairs)
D- She?s not been able to place the role of women in the front burner of Ghana's male-dominated society 29% of children aged 7-14 years are engaged in economic activity. Most of the people polled were not impressed.
?Utterly useless. frying gari/squeezing oil is not the only women affair.? ?Journalist
?Needs to be changed immediately. She is however a political asset to NPP cos she distributes mico-credit to women. More votes!!!?
Dominic Fobih
(Lands & Forestry)
D- A failure of Imagination and lack of sound land policy is affecting sustained development. Not much impact when he was at the science ministry either.
?Failed to promote science in any meaningful way? ?Journalist
?Technically good. He is in the right post? -BM
Christopher Ameyaw-Ekumfi
(Ports, Harbours and Railways)
E Very low grades across the board from all polled. Not his fault though, he could have been better utilized elsewhere. At the ministry of education, he awarded contracts for the reprinting of science textbooks to his cronies without going through tender. No wonder his own people rejected him at the polls. This ministry is totally unnecessary and should have been maintained under transport.
?Smart, eloquent, and loyal, all rare qualities. But he has not performed as expected?
?Cutting of the sod for work to begin on the Achimota-Tema rail line s not enough to save his job.?
Albert Kan-Dapaah
(Communications & Technology)
E The gov?t still lacks a viable ICT policy. The telecom giants are fighting and telecommunications is a mess. TV/radio licensing still suffers from governmental interference and licenses are still given to favorites of the ruling elite. Left a mess at the energy ministry.
?He has no clue about what he's doing.? ?Journalist
Kofi Apraku
(Regional Cooperation & NEPAD)
E- Shady, incompetent and arrogant. However, he can?t be solely blamed for non-performance; The ministry is of no significance. Famous for his diversion of GFZB Funds and the way he wiggled his way out of prosecution.
?He talks too much nonsense. Another position occupier should have been sacked from government long ago.? ?Journalist
?That ministry will have to be closed down. NEPAD IS JUST NOT WORKING!!? ?businessman
Jake Obestsebi-Lamptey
Tourism & Modernisation of the Capital
E- Ghana?s Karl Rove; Bush did not reward Karl with a ?ministerial appointment?. Kufuor should take a cue from that. Accra is worse and filthy than he came to meet it. He?s however succeeded as a front for Latter Day Saints Church and still no account for the illegal appropriation of ?150bn from the Castle renovation project.
?Totally useless. The most useless and ineffective of all the ministers. He still does not even know his job specifications. Should be sacked and put on trial for being such a failure? ?Journalist
?Still performs as if he is in the "Office of the President". Nothing is happening in Tourism nor the beautification of Accra? -Student
Hon. J.H. Mensah
(Senior Minister)
F What is the purpose of his office? His ministry is almost non-existent and he?ll probably be better on a council of elders or state. If he were a man of high principle, he would have resigned when he was offered this token position
?Venerable wise man. He should be serving as a presidential advisor, not a minister.? ?Journalist
?If this ministry survives, it will be a dumping ground for lackluster political employees? ?Teacher
"How can i judge him, when i don't know what his targets are? Useless ministry" -University Lecturer
Ministers of State Rashid Bawa, Elizabeth Ohene, Christine Churcher, Dr. Nii Ashong, Ishmael Ashitey, C.O. Nyanor, Ben Salifu - Can somebody please explain to Ghanaians what these so-called ministers have done in 4 years?
?Sack them all, they are a drain on state resources? ?student
Deputy Ministers Asamoah-Boateng, Awuni Thomas Broni, Angela Ofori Atta, Joe Aggrey, Nkrabea Effah-Darteh etc -
?Most of the ministries have 2 deputies?. why?? ?student
?Ghana does not need any deputies. Directors at the ministries can deputize when the minister is away.? ?journalist
??Most of them have lots of time to chase apuskeleke? - Student

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