
Mutual respect required for restoration of order at KNUST - YPYC President

KNUST ENTRANCE KNUST had to be closed down after students protested brutality by some security personnel on campus

Sat, 27 Oct 2018 Source:

Mr. Andy Osei Okrah, Founder and President of Young Professionals and Youth Coalition (YPYC), on Friday said restoring peace and harmony between authorities and students of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) would require utmost tolerance and mutual respect.

It should also involve the thorough participation of representatives and leaders of all concerned groups, as well as a round-table stakeholder’s dialogue to build consensus, leveraged by a neutral body such as the National Peace Council, to dispassionately resolve the impasse.

This was contained in a statement issued and signed by Mr. Okrah, who is also a former Students Representative Council (SRC) President of KNUST, as well as a former Deputy Ashanti Regional Minister.

The Foundation condemned the actions of both security men and students, in recent unrests at KNUST.

“While regretting the indefinite closure of the University because of its attendant effect on the academic calendar, may I as a former SRC President, I call for immediate restoration of calm on campus, as the parties work out a solution, and restore the image of the University, as a citadel of academic excellence,” the release said.

It appealed to the KNUST authorities, the Ministry of Education, the SRC, the local NUGS and the entire student body to remain calm, while efforts were made to resolve the situation.

Authorities of KNUST, following an emergency meeting with the Ashanti Regional Security Council in Kumasi, has closed down the University, after some aggrieved students of the University embarked on a demonstration on Monday, October 22, during which they overturned vehicles and smashed their windscreens, and also caused damage to billboards, louvers and a number of other items.

The students said they were demonstrating against brutalities by the University authorities.

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