
Presidential press corps abandons Akufo-Addo at church

Akufo Presscorps Press corps abandoned the President after they were treated rudely by Palmer Buckle

Sat, 4 Mar 2017 Source:

The Presidential press corps on Saturday abandoned the President at the Holy Spirit cathedral in Accra after they were treated rudely by the Metropolitan Archbishop of Accra.

Archbishop Gabriel Palmer Buckle reportedly ordered the media to move their cameras from the frontal of the church- where they had set up to cover the president- because the cameras obstructed his personal one which had been mounted in front of the church.

According to Starr News’ Presidential correspondent, Wilberforce Asare, the Archbishop told the pressmen that the church was his and he must remain in control.

The pressmen who were shocked, packed their accoutrement and left the premises even before the service could start.

President Akufo-Addo attended the service which was being held at the instance of the Ghana at 60 committee.

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