
Speed up Marwako case as you did in Kofi Adam's car saga - Obiri Boahen to police

Obiri Boahene Fresh Obiri Boahen

Tue, 7 Mar 2017 Source:

Maverick Deputy General Secretary of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), lawyer Obiri Boahen has charged the police administration to use the same speed they employed in the Kofi Adams’ vehicles saga to prosecute the Lebanese supervisor who assaulted a worker at the Abelemkpe branch of Marwako restaurant.

Speaking in an interview with Rainbow Radio 87.5Fm, the private legal practitioner posited that this case is very important hence, This time we want the police to act. They should use the same speed they used in the prosecution of Kofi Adams’ case in this assault case.

He described the assault as unfortunate and barbaric.

Meanwhile, the supervisor who has since apologised for his action has been formerly charged with assault. The assailant, Jihad Thaabn, 26, a brother-in-law of the owner of the restaurant, is said to have angrily grabbed the neck of the victim and dipped her face into raw pepper, which he had poured onto a table.

The victim, Evelyn Boakye, whose face was allegedly rubbed in the blended pepper for more than 10 minutes while Thaabn squeezed her neck and yelled abusive words on her, had to cry for help as she pleaded with Thaabn to let her go.

Jihad is also alleged to have subsequently locked her up with the burning and hurting eyes, preventing the other worried colleagues from helping her.

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