
GFA engages PWC for audit

Gfa Logo Today PWC has been engaged to do a forensic audit of the GFA

Fri, 18 Jan 2019 Source:

Following the inauguration of the Normalization Committee on September 13, 2018, FIFA indicated it would engage an accounting firm to undertake a forensic audit on the accounts of the Ghana Football Association.

FIFA has now retained PWC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) to do the forensic audit to assist the Normalization Committee (N.C) in some key accounting areas, as well as help, gather and prepare financial and other documents that PWC has requested, N.C has retained the services of a Chief Financial Officer level consultant for two months.

The Finance Unit of the GFA has been managed by one manager and two accounting clerks with no internal audit unit for quite some time.

It has become pretty obvious to the NC that there is a need to restructure and strengthen the finance unit in due course but we are confident that the new consultant will be able to guide us appropriately and properly.

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