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Warning to President Nana Akufo-Addo

AKUFO ADDO 21 President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

Mon, 16 Jan 2017 Source: Boamah, Ebenezer

I write not to congratulate you, Mr. President, but to conscientize, and reinvigorate your conscience and resolve to set Ghana, our Motherland Land on the path of the lasting prosperity, sanctity, peace and unity that have ever eluded our people, since the time of President Kwame Nkrumah. I write not to congratulate you as it has been the norm, because any deep thinking, and selfless person understands that any office, and for that matter the high office of the presidency, is not a house of partying; and the seat of self-vainglory, even as the others have made it. I trust that it did not take you more than few hours, if not minutes, after the initial overwhelming reality that the first face of the battle was won and of course by the Lord Most High, YAHWEH, to realize the heaviness of the responsibility, and labor of love that laid ahead of you, and the good people of Ghana. You realized that not only do we have a lot of work to do, but also the battling of the various kinds of spiritual and physical adversaries that are dispersed within and without us. That we faced the enemies of our own retrogressive mindsets as Ghanaians; dug-in personal and national enemies, within your own party and fraternity; some ardent perpetual enemies of the nation within the opposition parties; and the international –evil- illuminati- killer-capitalist- gay-neocons -one-worlders, who have ever held the whole world,and especially Africa and the rest of the so-called third world to ransom, thinking they can depose and replace the Almighty God, YAHWEH, to inherit His universe.

Civic Education

Mr. President, if you will succeed on your quest, then you must both be Ghanaian and unGhanaian. Ghanaian to know and understand the faults and weakness of our national psyche and mindset; and a Ghanaian to be aware of our developmental challenges; a Ghanaian to recognize our potentials as people, and the various natural resources endowed us by the Most High. On the other hand, you must be unGhanaian so us to put yourself above our inherited weakness that have held us back from getting out of the gutters of hypocrisy(sin/wickedness) and poverty. UnGhanaian you need to be, in order to be able to easily diagnose our shortfalls; and provide the necessary remedies. On this note, yourself and all Ghanaians must be caused to embark on spiritual purification and revival. I am aware as a spiritual person, your experience of the spiritual journey, in finding and seeking the face of God, since you lost your first contest to Professor Mills. And when you had just had a glimpse of the LORD, understanding that this universe has an Architect, and yet a destroyer, having yielded your faith and your person to YAHWEH, you won the battle of the presidency in good shape. You needed to have gone through this, because after all your intelligence and resolve to see Ghana prosper, you would have failed miserably, as a president, without the anointing , guidance and guarding of the Most High. For this reason, for the success and favor which you have enjoyed from the good Lord to be transferred to the whole nation, you must cause the majority of believing Ghanaians, irrespective of name of religion, to rid selves of the hypocrisy (lukewarmness) that has ever afflicted us and killed our progress, and reaffirm selves to the God, Most High, that we profess to fear and serve. Also, there must be a drive of civic education to conscientize Ghanaians, on both bad and good practices, of cleanness and cleanliness; civic duties corruption etc. Such must be factored into our educational curriculums as well, and published regularly on our mass media.

Tackling Corruption

While the education will take time to effect change, the immediate remedy is to crack the whip on corruption by the Law, as you have promised. Mr. President, at this juncture I’m going to be very candid. If you are not aware, it is my duty to tell you that Ghanaian have a very special perspective of ‘Akuffo Addo’. And the larger embodiment of Akuffo Addo is ‘Anti-Corruption’ even as the Devil is Anti-Christ. And I love to tell straight in your face that if you dare shelve or withdraw an inch from the sacrilegious image that Ghanaians have of you in this wise, you will loose the trust of Ghanaians, and before we change you even for the devil or nobody after four years, you would sweat in the big seat to get out. We are very much aware how little the Ghanaian leadership, among the bulk of our chiefs and clergy, care for the truth and justice, but only glory in vainglory, money and position, and more so, fake peace and reconciliation. Majority of our chiefs and clergy are ever ready to don their expensive cloth and designer cassocks to lead, even a murderer, to ask for mercy on his/her behave, even before they heard the case of the solicitor. We know they will come in the floods to beg undue mercy for corrupt people, please just watch them in the face, and afterward teach them the vision of the new era of Truth, accountability, justice and progress. Mr. President, pleases you should not miss this once in a life time opportunity to uproot corruption from both the Ghanaian psyche and offices, including our chieftaincy and clergy. You must not give your mind to them when they come to beg for the criminals, because even they (chiefs and clergy) have taken their cuts from their loot. I should believe you are aware that true unity and peace do not issue from lack of sanctity and disdain for rectitude, law and order. For a long time we, the masses have been dying quietly under false peace, even as the few loot the resources of the nation. Ex-president Rawlings had the opportunity to root out corruption and rot, and the nation was behind him solidly. However, since his kind of justice, probity and accountability was ill-conceived and target the wrong targets, he failed miserably, giving birth to such evil bunch as the NDC, with its concomitant corruption, tribalism, divisiveness and rule of force, which hunts him as well today. If we do not see the investigations, prosecutions and sanctioning of the corruption of the past, as perpetrated by the outgoing government, then we Ghanaians would say that you deceived us in telling us the NDC was corrupt, even as the NDC said NPP was corrupt prior 2008, but failed to prosecute even one such case during their tenure. We are also keenly watching how you would treat a corrupt officer of your government – please, not just relieving of post, but that any traceable offense must attract due punishment and deterrence.


Competence is the word, Mr. President. I have heard, and believe that many people will be lobbying you for positions based on regional ethnicity, gender and the likes. I know these are modern vogue, even in the face of the constitutional regional requirement pertaining to the cabinet, irrespective, Mr. President, such ‘balances’ as they call it, do not yield any actual results, save the vain fleeting gratifications and some insignificant political accruements. Please just appoint the most qualified people, and at the end of the day when the good results come for the whole country, the lobbying groupings will forget about such myopic interest.

At this time in our history, based also on the fact of your assumption of office, which stands us on the threshold of waging a conscientious war against corruption, I call on you to be resolute on taking even the most painful of decisions, within the law, in waging this war. It is the fact that, corrupt technocracy and bureaucracy in our country are the cancerous grounds of everyday corruption, by which unscrupulous politicians also take undue advantage of the nation. It is in this vein that I call on you to review all the transitional time ex-president Mahama appointments to vital places like the CHIRAJ, account general’s office and such, not only to help avoid future corruption, but to eliminate the likely sabotage, which these Mahama appointees may pose in uncovering the massive unprecedented public known corruption that characterized the Mills/Mahama administrations. Public official must be checked keenly, and acknowledged or punished according to conduct. In this vein, I also propose the appointment of Martin Amidu for the office of the Special Prosecutor. There is none in our time with the credentials, competence and fearlessness that has demonstrated the resolve to passionately dispassionately deal with corruption, irrespective.

Enemies Within, Enemies Without

Mr. President trust only God, and thrust everyone else through Him. You must not be naïve in the face of unity and peace, to lose sight of the fact of the reality of perpetually evil people, who will never change. You must learn to know such enemies, and should not think you can win such over. If it were possible, God would have been the first person to reconcile with Satan. While you don’t embark on vengeance, you must be shrewd with bad people, and activate always the law to stop and deal with nation wreckers – if there are witches that bedevil the nation the law must hunt to stop them or punish them. The Kufour government on the account of “peace and unity” left untouched the evil apparatus that the NDC have built within our government, public sector, and society, which uprooted the NPP in 2008, just after an almost unprecedented performance of a government that you put up. By all lawful instruments, your government cannot repeat this mistake, the NDC evil apparatus must be dismantled forever, so that they do not ever come back to power against the public interest and will via the back door they have always used, starting from the EC. In this vein a centralized National Identification System is also a must. (This will not only ensure a clean electoral register at all times, but also provide automatic up-to-date handy accessible statistical information to government and all stakeholders for tailored meaningful development. Such NID card can serve all identification and eligibility purposes, including EC ID card).

Nana I know you are aware of the evil international forces that cause political and economic havoc against the rising of Africa, that you African politicians call development partners. The least said here the better, because if you are not aware then you are not ready to deliverer anything extraordinary. Here you must be very canny – looking to the East for fair trade and security without having to openly antagonize the West is key. There is enough market in China, Russia, Africa and the Latin Americas and Caribbeans. This will enhance our competitiveness on the global market for our product and service; equally promoting our political leverage on the international stage. These days of the buy calling the price must be a thing of the past, and value-addition is also key – the Ivory Coast no longer export cocoa beans. On security, best, potent security hardware and expertise are in Russia, China and Iran at low cost, with no long entangling strings (e.g some few S300s and S400s can secure our air space). We would need solid air and sea defenses by the time you leave office. Security works hand in hand with economics, because of those destabilizing forces (must know the true story of Gaddafi and Libya). If there are, we must rid ourselves of any foreign-manned Western Security installations within our borders and the sub-region. All vital economic essential utilities like communications, water, electricity and agriculture must not be left in foreign hands. Standardization and checks of food, agrochemical, drugs coming from outside is a must. Genetically modified produces and products are threat to the essence of the original human being (mind and behavior), and our long-term survival as a specie. Indigenization and self-sufficiency is the key. Our Education System must be reformulated to suit our needs and resources – after all true education is the know-how best to utilize to the maximum your environment and resources within one’s reach; and not knowing how to speak and write some foreign languages. Foreign values are a great tool to disintegrating a nation for economic and political exploitation – a people who do not know who they are have no brighter future.

Nana, Mr. President, the above framework warning should suffice for today. God bless you, family and tenure, God bless holy Ghana of YAHWEH.

Ebenezer Boamah

(Servant of God who mandate is to national interest of all of spheres -for the spirit is not void of the flesh)


Columnist: Boamah, Ebenezer
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