Founder of Perez Chapel International, Bishop Charles Agyinasare
The founder of Perez Chapel International has condemned the seeming invasion and take over of every pillar of society by politics.
“I established the other day that there are seven pillars that uphold every society. These pillars are government or politic; economy or business; education or academia; family, religion; sports & entertainment and the media”, he noted.
“Unfortunately for us, we have allowed politics to dominate all the other pillars in this country”.
“Medical decisions for our nation are not made by medical professionals, they are made by politicians, and, so, we can all be dying as long as the decisions meet political whims and caprices”, Bishop Agyinasare said on Sunday, 12 July 2020 at the Perez Dome, Dzorwulu during his first virtual service.
“All the decisions in the business and banking sector are not taken by businesspeople anymore, they are taken by politicians and, so, no matter how suicidal they are, the politicians make them for us”, he said.
In education, he said decisions in the sector “are not made by educationists anymore but by politicians and no matter how bad it is, it is made”.
“And, so, we can change our schools from JSS to JHS; SSS to SHS, to this one and that one, till we don’t even know where it is going”, Bishop Agyinasare observed.
Furthermore, he noted that: “Decisions for the family are not taken by family people who have a sound or balanced home but by politicians or celebrities, some of whom have not been faithful to their spouse and have side chicks and if they are women, their husbands have run away and left them”.
“Some of these politicians and celebrities teach all kinds of things. And, some of them, who are taking decisions for the family, are old people who are chasing girls the age of their daughters and granddaughters. They fulfil a joke I heard: ‘That marriage can be sweet, but if you’re married to the wrong person, it is like COVID-19; every day, it’s a new case’”.
Bishop Agyinasare warned that as a nation, “We must not allow politics to destroy our institutions because it is not the only pillar of society”, adding: “That means that we must have just balances and the laws of a nation are there to do that”.
Driving home his point with the Amplified version of Proverbs 11:1, which says: ‘A false balance and unrighteous dealings are extremely offensive and shamefully sinful to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight’; and Leviticus 19:35 and 36, which say: ‘You shall do no unrighteousness in judgment, in measures of length or weight or quantity. 36 you shall have accurate and just balances, just weights, just Ephah and Hin measures. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt’, Bishop Agyinasare said: “So, God is saying that laws should be such that they should be equal for everybody”.
“That means that there should not be different laws for different people. That means that if pastors, who gather less than 50 people are jailed for gathering 50 people when there should be a lockdown when party faithful do that, they should also be jailed”.