Fred Quainoo, President of GYCD
The Ghana Youth For Change and Development has thrown their support behind the appointment of 110 Ministers by President Akufo-Addo, describing the move as a laudable idea.
“It is a fact that our country is currently faced with harsh economic conditions. Throughout Ghana’s 4th Republic, appointment of ministers have averaged 85. One shudder to ask, what achievement has this limited number of ministers delivered to us? We therefore believe the new government, having won overwhelming trust of the people of Ghana, has a duty to deliver on its manifesto pledges. Being mindful of the manifesto pledges, they have appointed 110 of ministers they believe can help deliver on their promises”, the group maintained.
The group in a communique signed and issued by Mr Fred Quainoo, its President and other executives, said majority of these ministers are already parliamentarians and therefore any extra burden on the tax-payer is almost negligible.
Below is the full statement
1. We, the members of Ghana Youth for Change and Development, a youth group with membership across all constituencies and regions in the country and with international presence in the UK, US, Canada, Germany and other countries, having carefully studied the current happenings in and around the country wish to issue this communique. Appointment of 110 Ministers
2. We believe, extraordinary circumstances demand extraordinary measures. It is a fact that our country is currently faced with harsh economic conditions. Throughout Ghana’s 4th Republic, appointment of ministers have averaged 85. One shudder to ask, what achievement has this limited number of ministers delivered to us? We therefore believe the new government, having won overwhelming trust of the people of Ghana, has a duty to deliver on its manifesto pledges. Being mindful of the manifesto pledges, they have appointed 110 of ministers they believe can help deliver on their promises. Majority of these ministers are already parliamentarians and therefore any extra burden on the tax-payer is almost negligible. Let’s therefore give our total support and back them with our prayers to deliver. It behoves on the new appointees to prove themselves. It behoves on the totality of Ghanaians to demand results from these ministers.
Creation of New Regions
3. We fully support government’s quest to re-organise the various regions across the country by creating five (5) additional ones. We believe this will help bring development to the doorsteps of the people and also create additional jobs for our locals. We believe creating new regions without giving the regions powers to create wealth for their people is needless. Re-organsing regions should not only be about creating more regions but also giving various regions administrative powers in a unitary state. We should start this by converting regional ministers into regional governors and devolving more powers to various regions and districts. Regional Councils be formed with elected MMDCE’s and this council should form the core of decision making in the various regions. Powers of all legislations must however rest with the parliament of Ghana. This system is wildly practiced in democracies around the globe and has brought development to the doorsteps of the people.
Election of MMDCE’s
4. We hold the opinion that the election of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives should be opened to all Ghanaians from all political persuasions, variance to the government’s white paper on the recommendations of the Constitutional Review Commission for the president to choose five people and elections be held on them. MMDCE’s being the official representatives of the president in their various Metropolitan, Municipal and Districts and in order to safeguard Ghana as a unitary state, we believe the president should be clothed with the powers to suspend or remove any wayward MMDCE’s. We believe this will compensate for any need for government to rather hand pick five (5) of its party members and ask the electorates to vote on them. This system of granting president powers to suspend or remove MMDCE’s is widely practice in democracies around the globe. For instance, in Columbia, the president is granted powers in article 304 of their constitution to suspend or remove any wayward elected Governor or MMDCE.
NDC is behind Volta Region Secessionists
5. We believe any attempt by any group to secede from the state of Ghana is treasonable and a vicious attack on the country. Having analyzed comments of officials of NDC and their agents on various platforms on the campaigns of secession from Ghana by the so called Homeland Study Group, we hold little doubt that NDC as a party is a sponsor of the group. We further believe that the activities of the group is political and intended to destabilize the NPP government. In a press release issued by the group on 8th February, 2016, the group dissociated itself from any attempt to secede from Ghana. They said they only wanted their region to be recognized as a ‘separate state in union with Ghana. The Homeland Study Group is not calling for Western Togoland to break away; it’s not even secession’. Why has the group changed its tone after the NDC lost power? Why is the group suddenly calling for a secession from Ghana. We therefore call on the NDC as a matter of urgency and for the unity of the country, to denounce the group which appears to be acting in their stead. National Cathedra and National Mosque.
6. Government of Ghana, having donated land for the building of a national mosque at Kawukudi in Accra for our Moslem brothers, we hold the believe that extending similar courtesies to the Christian community does not take away the secularity of Ghana. It must be noted about 95% of Ghanaians identify themselves as Christian or Moslem and therefore extending a helping hand to them should be a solemn duty of every government. The country Ghana was founded in the believe of God as boldly declared in the preamble of the 1992 constitution, that “IN THE NAME OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD WE THE PEOPLE OF GHANA…’ Our national pledge acknowledges God thus, ‘GOD BLESS OUR HOMELAND GHANA...’ In these national mosque and cathedra, our Moslem and Christian brothers will be praying for their dear country. Praying for your country is seen as a sign of nationalism and caring for where you live. In these national monuments, prayers will be offered for our country, for our leaders to show wisdom in decisions, prosperity of our economy and safety within our borders.
Signed and dated 20th March, 2017
Fred Quainoo - President (0244443890- Weija/Gbawe Const.)
Godfred Amu Newton -Secretary (0541371840- Subin Const.)
Nana Darkwa- Director of Operations (0249651155- Okaikwei South Const.)
Nii Lakai -Organiser (0260531389 - Odododiodio Const.)
Yaw Barimah- Coordinator (0276911715 - Fanteakwa South Const.)