
NDC must speak on the Ahwois' perfidious enterprise against Rawlings - Dela Coffie

DELA COFFIE 2 Dela Coddie, An activist of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC)

Fri, 7 Aug 2020 Source: Vera Quacoopone

An activist of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Dela Coffie has criticized the party for the way and manner it has handled the fallout from Prof Kwamena Ahwoi's book launched last week.

Dela Coffie believes the Ahwoi brothers are attempting to use the book titled “Working with Rawlings” to erode the legacy of the founder of the NDC, FLt.Lt. (Rtd) Jerry John Rawlings. He wonders why the party has still not found it prudent to speak on the matter several days after the launch of the book.

Dela Coffie who is reputed for his thought provoking writings on the NDC also insisted that that the NDC must necessarily come clear and state its position on Kwamena Ahwoi’s book.

The former Local Government Minister released the book last Thursday, July 30, 2020.

He has been criticised by NDC insiders for making some remarks in the book deemed derogatory against some leading personalities in the party, including former PresidentRawlings.

Whereas some of them criticised the timing of the book, others said it portrayed the Ahwoi brothers as saints.

The Chairman of the Volta Regional Council of Elders for the NDC, Dan Abodakpi after the book launch took on Prof. Kwamena Ahwoi.

In a press statement, the former Keta MP said the book is an attempt to discredit the political legacy of former President Jerry John Rawlings.

“It is in-fact, in several instances, a factually wrong and dangerous aberration likely to create tensions in and out. Is the objective of this enterprise to destroy President Rawlings political legacy? If so, then I can tell my brother and my friend that he is simply wasting his time,” he said.

Below is Dela Coffie's full statement chanced on by the Viral news team.

It's been a few days since the launch of Kwamena Ahwoi’s so-called tell-all memoir- "Working with Rawlings" - a literature meant to demonise and slander the NDC founder, but the party has still not found it prudent enough to speak on the matter.

The question on the lips of many of us is, does the NDC as a political movement endorse and agree with the work put together by Kwamena Ahwoi and edited by the party's presidential running mate-Naana Jane Opoku-Agyeman?

It's a matter of fact that Naana Jane Opoku-Agyeman did not only edit this shoddy work, she also wrote the foreword. And I find this very troubling.

In the literary world, anyone who writes an introduction or foreword to a book has fully associated him/herself with the content. You cannot claim innocence of the content of a book you contributed to by writing its forward.

And so, I wonder how Naana Jane Opoku-Agyeman was able to muster courage to go to the founder to introduce herself as the presidential running mate knowing very well the role she had played in this demonisation attempt at his political legacy.

Again, the level of involvement in this enterprise by the likes of Totobi Quakyi and Nana Ato Dadzie says a lot.

This is the same Nana Ato Dadzie who together with Kwamena Ahwoi co-authored a book in 2010, published by the Institute for Democratic Governance (IDEG) - "JUSTICE FRANCIS DANIEL ANNAN -IN THE SERVICE OF DEMOCRACY"

Just like Kwamena's latest book, that work was also riddled with a lot of contradictions and misrepresentations.

It took Mrs Valerie A. Sackey, Director of the Castle Information Bureau during Rawlings’ era, to correct the misrepresentations contained in the book.

Ten years on, here we are with another slanderous literature from Kwamena Ahwoi - This new book, clearly written with the approval of the cabal within the NDC establishment only confirms that the same people who managed to isolate Mills from reality are very much alive and working for the destruction of the NDC.

How dare they align this self-serving literature to the NDC, and what the heck is the NDC waiting for to have its say on this hot mess? Does it make the NDC happy to keep on bashing its founder? The founder has been magnanimous lately with his views on the direction of the party and one would have thought the NDC will reciprocate the gesture, but here we are at our vicious best. To the extent that it bothers on party cohesion, the party leadership must come out clearly to tell the world if they endorse this divisive literature.

Chairman Ofosu Ampofo, where lies the NDC's allegiance - To the founder or the profiteers? The NDC leadership should be scrambling to denounce Kwamena Ahwoi's book by now but no, they would rather throw their hands up in despair.

The open warfare that this perilous and perfidious attack on Rawlings has triggered within the NDC is bound to hurt the party in a way never before seen.

For those of us dedicated to the fight against systemic greed and treachery, this literature represents a collision between heartbreak and hopefulness -- between exhaustion and existential awakenings. Yes, there is a powerful wind at our backs as we lift ourselves up for a better NDC. Then again the NDC appears setting itself up for a shattering end.

In Kwamena Ahwoi's literature, the cabal has stuck the knife into the very foundation of the NDC in spectacular fashion. If he wanted to come across as mature and intelligent the book is a huge own goal - This book shows how the Ahwois weaponized hatred, sycophancy and bigotry to hijack the NDC.

These are people who had it all - but threw it away in a massive fit of ego-driven pique. They profited from the spoils of Rawlings' revolution - They are the 'eaters' of the spoils of the revolution and its descendant, the NDC, and sadly they are out there to finish off what is left of the NDC - These are diabolically driven and overly ambitious profiteers who have manipulated their way around to get to where they're today. In Kwamena's own words- the cabal had to sponsor attacks on the NDC founder. Yes, the puppet master has admitted to the recruitment of puppets like Okudzeto Ablakwa and Nii Lante Vanderpuye and their likes to publicly humiliate Rawlings.

And these lap dogs who seemingly are incapable of independent thoughts have found their way into the top echelon of the NDC.

It’s hard to think of anyone in the NDC right now more relentlessly miserable, and negative than the 'CASHPRO BROTHERS' and their collaborators - These are people with extraordinary negativity, an astonishing bitterness, and an intense desire to divide not unify. The Ahwois seem even more unhappy now than they were before and intent on causing as much division as possible.

The layers of hatred being piled on Rawlings by these traitors of his Revolution is unbelievable. The saddest part is that people are blind to the calculated scheme to get Rawlings out of the way just for the absolute takeover of the party - The NDC that the world is seeing now is the TRUE NEW one - a party hijacked by profiteers - The party founder is under attack from self-serving ideologues and still the ostrich covers its eyes, while party leadership continue to behave like a spoilt, sulky child.

Congratulations Kwamena Ahwoi - you just flushed the NDC down the toilet. The "evil dwarf" title you were permitted to use will be soon wiped away.

And to you, President Rawlings, I say this: don't agree to any fraudulent hoax of a patching up with these traitors and usurpers - Rawlings must not acquiesce to any infantile logic of patching up with the reactionary elements.

They can't humiliate the founder publicly and come around through the back door to fake a handshake.

We have gone through this stage of smiling and shaking hands but stabbing in the back for only God knows how long.

Those puppets and the "babies with sharp teeth" - the likes of Okudzeto Ablakwa and Nii Lante Vanderpujie who berated the founder with the support of the puppet master must use the same media platform to eat the humble pie.

I shall be back.

Source: Vera Quacoopone
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